Groovy script to download file from url

getHeaderField("fileExtension"); println "Downloading file with fileExtension for upload to $url" int statusCode setProxyParams() setSSLParams() URL newUrl 

fetch data from a webpage and process the results; perform multi-step web transactions (time to complete the request) Defaults to settings in the collector.conf file. get(url, [headers]) do an HTTP GET on the provided url and return the entire  #!groovy node { stage( ' configFile Plugin ') { // 'ID' refers to alpha-numeric value generated automatically by Jenkins. // This code snippet assumes that the config file is stored in Jenkins. // help to assign the ID of config file to a…

Updating println 'Weather forecast from,' println ' delivered by' println ' the Norwegian Meteorological Institute' println ' and the NRK' println weatherLink weatherFile . text = new URL ( weatherLink ). text println 'DONE.' } …

Before Groovy 1.6, if you wanted to integrate Groovy in your Java projects through JSR-223 / javax.script.*, you had to download a Groovy script engine implementation from, and put the JAR in your classpath. So this script is certainly functional, I’ve now got all the issues of the e-mag in my dropbox, but I think I’ll some day expand it a little to be more generic to be able to download from any location. a web console used to access the spring beans . Contribute to loveczp/groovy-web-console development by creating an account on GitHub. framework for mining git projects. Contribute to spgroup/miningframework development by creating an account on GitHub. CUBA component for interactive runtime application diagnose and debugging - mariodavid/cuba-component-runtime-diagnose cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages. - AlDanial/cloc Contribute to adxsoft/freeplaneOPMLimport development by creating an account on GitHub.

7 Nov 2019 To download a file stored on Google Drive, use the files.get method with the ID of the file to download and the alt=media URL parameter.

26 Apr 2010 The Grails app I\'m working on right now has some cookbook code that takes a list of URLs and downloads the file each URL points to into a  get content from url and write to a file in groovy - get_content.groovy. A simple Groovy script to scrape all URLs from a given string and download the content from those URLs - DownloadURLs.groovy. String address = println("Got URL: " + address);. new File("./" + address.tokenize("/").last()). 30 Jan 2012 Over the weekend I needed to write a script in groovy which first downloaded a file from a remote webserver then, if that file was retrieved  7 Nov 2019 In this tutorial, we'll see several methods that we can use to download a file. We'll cover examples ranging from the basic usage of Java IO to  21 Aug 2018 There are multiple ways to download a file using Java code. URL class in Java is a built-in library that offers multiple methods to access and  for any idea. What I would like to do is to call an URL (e.g.. I would think you need to download the file first and then move it to Intrexx.

So, it looks like the url redirects to getHeaderField( "Location" ) if( !url ) { new File( filename ).

Import 1P2KeePass Imports 1Password 1PIF files. AnyPassword Import Imports CSV files exported by 'AnyPassword'. CardFileKPPlugin Imports CRD files created by 'Cardfile'. CodeWallet 3 Import Imports TXT files exported by 'CodeWallet 3'. … daily and useful python scripts. Contribute to Sysa/Python development by creating an account on GitHub. Groovy Wrapper extension for the Gradle Wrapper - execute Groovy scripts as easily as Gradle scripts! - MovingBlocks/groovy-wrapper The AEM Groovy Console provides an interface for running Groovy scripts in the AEM container. Scripts can be created to manipulate content in the JCR, call OSGi services, or execute arbitrary code using the CQ, Sling, or JCR APIs. - icfnext… Groovy ManiPulator is a tool to run groovy scripts organized in folder structure with configuration. Script group may have common parameters in common-config.groovy. Each script may have "personal" configuration. Contribute to pledbrook/groovy-for-java-devs development by creating an account on GitHub.

The AEM Groovy Console provides an interface for running Groovy scripts in the AEM container. Scripts can be created to manipulate content in the JCR, call OSGi services, or execute arbitrary code using the CQ, Sling, or JCR APIs. - icfnext… Groovy ManiPulator is a tool to run groovy scripts organized in folder structure with configuration. Script group may have common parameters in common-config.groovy. Each script may have "personal" configuration. Contribute to pledbrook/groovy-for-java-devs development by creating an account on GitHub. Useful scripts for Jira writng in Groovy. Contribute to Punkoivan/JiraScripts development by creating an account on GitHub. If you want to create your own Spring Boot-based project, visit Spring Initializr, fill in your project details, pick your options, and you can download either a Maven build file, or a bundled up project as a zip file.

fetch data from a webpage and process the results; perform multi-step web transactions (time to complete the request) Defaults to settings in the collector.conf file. get(url, [headers]) do an HTTP GET on the provided url and return the entire  6 Aug 2015 Recently, I had to download files from a Jenkins server using shell scripts. Since Jenkins offers permanent urls to the latest stable artifacts along  scrape and parse HTML from a URL, file, or string; find and extract data, using Fetch the Wikipedia homepage, parse it to a DOM, and select the headlines  7 Oct 2009 Groovy adds some methods to the URL class which make reading data from an URL easy. Groovy also adds a toURL() to the String class to make a URL object. ? Groovy Goodness: Download Grab Dependencies In IntelliJ IDEA Goodness: Default Groovy Script File Extensions · Groovy Goodness:  7 Nov 2019 To download a file stored on Google Drive, use the files.get method with the ID of the file to download and the alt=media URL parameter. There are many approaches to download a file from a URL some of them are discussed below: Method 1: Using file_get_contents() function: The 

22 Dec 2008 This script will alow you to download files from a remote FTP. URL: This script 

1 May 2018 I am executing it under system groovy script. def checkoutGitRepository(path, url, branch, credentialsId = null, poll = true, timeout = 10, depth  18 Apr 2016 In this article we will see how easy it is to write scripting in Groovy, with a Subscribe to our newsletter and download the Groovy Programming order in a flat file (a pipe separated / delimited) file where each line contains the Properties needed to construct a JDBC URL programmatically inside a script. 22 Dec 2008 This script will alow you to download files from a remote FTP. URL: This script  When downloading a file, it can be stored on disk (Local File) or in the If the request uses a technique called "URL Rewriting" to maintain sessions, then see When using Groovy as scripting language and not checking Cache compiled  27 Nov 2017 CloverETL 4.7 brings Data Services that allow you to publish transformations to applications as APIs. With Data Services you can publish a  Groovy programming is easy to start with. This reference of best practices and idiomatic solutions smoothly guides you to the next step of achieving more expressive solutions that fully leverage the power of the language.